Tag Archives: night time

Wine and Games

Yesterday started out good! Kids were in decent moods, when we woke up, I had work in the morning (and that went good!) After work had to quickly go get the kids, and then meet hubby for shopping which also went very well! No meltdowns or anyone extra sad about not getting certain things they wanted.
And then we got home…….it all just went South from there. πŸ˜” C had a huge blown out meltdown and I don’t even fully know why. It was like multiple things that set him off. But Even while my brain was like ok NVM fill us with wine I’m done for today….I still remained calm trying to convince C to talk to me, to use his words about what he needed instead of screaming at me like I killed his favorite pet or something. Good side is he didn’t call anyone stupid this time or try to hit anyone.. he just hit grocery bags as he walked by them haha. I had made pizza for dinner which he loved and calmed down for and was better for the next few hours until bedtime.

Don’t you just love when kids start saying how tired they are but as soon as you try to get them to bed it’s like instant shot of caffeine is pumping through their veins πŸ˜³πŸ˜’ it’s crazy!!!! Haha but after we managed to get everyone settled down and in bed, this tired momma poured a glass of her new favorite wine πŸ˜πŸ˜‹ and put in COD. It was a good way to wind down after the evening. Who knew getting screamed at for awhile was so exhausting? πŸ˜œπŸ˜”

Night time Struggles

Struggles of a Night Nursing BabyΒ 
Good night my child,
May we sleep well,
A snack for you,
So we can sleep more,
How are you hungry?
You need to sleep,
Why scream and cry?
Mommy is here,
You have eaten from both sides,
Please go to sleep,
Are you cold or hot?
Tired or hungry?
Rocking or standing,
You still nurse while crying,
You are finally back asleep,
Please sleep more than two hours.
Why, my child, why?
Last night you nearly slept all night,
Shh, baby sleeping still,
Let’s rest more until he wakes,
Energy they have in abundance,
Coffee I need to keep up,
Daytime smiles and hugs,
Out weighs the sleepless night struggle.Β πŸ’–



Recipe to MotherHood


5 Pounds of Crazy

3 cups Kids

6 cups Patience

2 cups Winging it

1 cup Knowledge

1 1/4 cup Wisdom

1/2 cup Sass

2 cups and 3 TB of Attitude

A Ton of Love

and a Dash of Sleep

Throw together until it looks good. Garnish with Coffee (the more the better), Chocolate and Wine.


A Mother’s Night

The warmth and comfort,

Feeling of relaxation and peace, 

Eyes drifting close,

Darkness surrounding,

A soft distant cry,

Your heart stops,

Please don’t let it be true,

It was so close, 

You were on the verge,

The soft cries turning to loud calls,

Instinct kicks in,

Running to their side,

A gentle hand,

A soft touch, 

Happiness as you hold them, 

Sweet sleepy eyes looking up at you,

Feeding, cuddling, and soothing,

You want your sleep back.

But with one look it slips from your mind,

They need you,

And right now that’s all that matters,

A tiny smile as they drift back,

Love filling you to the soul,

Feeling complete.

P.C goes to my husband 😌❀